An exclusive club to bring together professionals and entrepreneurs
Connecting GTA started out as a small group of connections, and have now grown to a widely recognized organization that encourages economic development. Our members are professionals from diverse industries, leader-centric, solution oriented, passionate game changers, committed to success for everyone.
“CGTA is a valuable networking group for business owners and professionals who want to expand their network. I have found valuable member services as well as making great connections through CGTA. Members support each other and the community through the Connecting GTA Foundation. Highly recommended for those looking for personal and professional growth!”
– Claude Flint, Business Development, 369 Konnect
Those who are interested in joining our club are encouraged to attend some of our events which are listed at https://connectinggta.com/events to get the feel for what the club is all about.
We are continually expanding our goals to provide the right tools, and education for our members. We have many subject matter experts who can provide direction and assistance at any time, and we truly appreciate each other’s contributions.